Bangsamoro joins country in celebrating 126th year of  independence

Bangsamoro joins country in celebrating 126th year of  independence

File photo of BARMM regional headquarters

COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) today joined the country’s celebration of its 126th year since the declaration of Philippine independence, with interim Chief Minister Ahod “Al Haj Murad” Ebrahim asking all Bangsamoro to be “custodians of democracy.”

“Let us also remain united, just like our forefathers, towards our vision for our beloved homeland, a Bangsamoro that is united, enlightened, self-governing, peaceful, just, morally upright, and progressive,” Ebrahim said in a statement.

He said the country commemorates today  126 years of independence from the control of foreign hands.

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“The commemoration is a poignant reminder that the democracy we enjoy today was earned through the valiant sacrifices of our forefathers and their relentless desire for peace, development, and progress,” Ebrahim added.

“Despite the mighty forces of the colonizers, the Filipinos remain united in their vision of a free country and sovereign people,” he said further.

Ebrahim said the declaration of Philippine independence by Emilio Aguinaldo “paved the way for a new beginning for his people with optimism and hope.”

He hoped that “the spirit of unity would continue to live inside the hearts of every Filipino and every Bangsamoro.”