Romualdez wants to hear legislative priorities Escudero may bring up

IN SESSION / MARCH 21, 2023 Members of the House of Representatives get down in the business of crafting laws during a session on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, as the deadline for their colleague Representative Arnie Teves to report to work lapses on Monday. INQUIRER PHOTO / GRIG C. MONTEGRANDE

Members of the House of Representatives hold a session on Tuesday, March 21, 2023. (INQUIRER file photo / GRIG C. MONTEGRANDE)

MANILA, Philippines — House Speaker Martin Romualdez is set to meet Senate President Francis “Chiz” Escudero on Thursday to discuss the Marcos administration’s legislative priorities.

In an ambush interview during an Independence Day celebration at Barasoain Church in Bulacan, Romualdez said the goal of the meeting is to “align the legislative agendas of both chambers.”

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“Bukas, magkakaroon tayo ng meeting, at syempre, tatalakayin ang priority legislative agenda,” the lawmaker told reporters.

(Tomorrow, we will have a meeting, and of course, we will discuss the priority legislative agenda.)

“Sa totoo lang po, sa House of Representatives, tapos na at naipasa natin lahat ng priority measures ng ating mahal na Presidente, lalo na ‘yung Sona (State of the Nation Address) measures at Ledac (Legislative Executive Development Advisory Council),” Romualdez noted.

(To be honest, in the House of Representatives, we have finished and passed all the priority measures of our dear President, especially the Sona measures and Ledac.)

“Pero syempre, bago ang leadership ngayon at baka may bagong priorities na irerekomenda rin, kaya papakinggan natin po ‘yun,” he added.

(But of course, the leadership is new now and there may be new priorities to recommend as well, so we will listen to that.)

The House leader also highlighted the importance of the cooperation between both chambers, saying that “it is crucial for the successful implementation of the administration’s programs and reforms.”

The legislature is in recess and will resume for the third regular session on July 22, when the third Sona of Marcos will be delivered.