Romualdez: Bid to lower rice prices doesn’t end with RTL amendments

MANILA, Philippines — The bid to bring down rice prices does not end with the proposed amendments to the Rice Tariffication Law (RTL), House of Representatives Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez said on Thursday.

Romualdez in a press briefing on Thursday said that the House will look at different approaches in cutting down rice prices, although he maintains that amendments to Republic Act No. 11203 or the RTL are necessary to stabilize prices significantly.

The House last May 21 approved House Bill No. 10381, a proposal seeking to amend the RTL, to restore some of the National Food Authority (NFA) functions.  However, several senators are not keen on supporting the proposed measure due to fear that it may expose NFA to corruption again.

READ: House amendments to rice tariff law approved on 3rd reading

“We like to look at all of these approaches. Of course, the tariff reduction is one measure kasi it targets the imported rice. But we still… the RTL amendment thereto. We want to make sure that it can help in maintaining, stabilizing the price of rice across the board,” Romualdez said.

“So we will do everything we can, we are going to use all options, or the complete arsenal, from legislation to tariff rate reductions. Because that’s what we are here for, we’re here to make sure of all the powers of government to bring about — as I keep on mentioning that every Filipino, every family table in every house dapat me quality rice at affordable prices all the time, all year round,” he added.

Romualdez said the government intends to use all available laws — and possible amendments — to address factors that keep rice prices up.

“That’s what we really want. So, we will do everything to make sure that every table of every Filipino family will have quality rice at an affordable price anytime, any place, any time of the year.  So we will do everything — these amendments to the RTL, the [proposed amendments to] Anti-Smuggling, our powers to stem hoarding or illegal importation,” he said.

“Anything to afford saving to every Filipino family we are here. So we will do all of these.  And we will not give up on any measure, so we are still hopeful and optimistic that our friends in the Senate will also pass an acceptable version of the amendments to the RTL,” he added.

Quezon 1st District Rep. Wilfrido Mark Enverga, the House committee on agriculture chairperson, said he has spoken with his counterpart in the Senate, Senator Cynthia Villar, about the proposed amendments.

Villar, the principal author of the RTL, is one of the senators who have warned against amending R.A. No. 11203, as the law specifically barred NFA from importing and selling rice due to rampant corruption in the agency.

Enverga, who previously promised to discuss with Villar the proposed amendments with safeguards, added that they will wait for the Senate’s deliberations on the proposal.

“Ah yes, [we talked] probably mid-May, maybe just like before the break. Pero, I believe the Senate does not have a final version yet passed, so it was just brainstorming. […] Sen. Villar expressed again her apprehension on reviving NFA as an importing body,” Enverga said.

“But we look forward to their counter-proposal. Maybe it’s good to see their version, regarding what options are available. But for us, as mentioned by Speaker Martin earlier, very crucial; we cannot do away with the stabilization functions that should be available because it will help lower rice prices,” he added.

Last April 30, Speaker Romualdez said that rice prices could go down by P15 per kilogram in June if the RTL amendments are approved and signed into law.  With the bill not being discussed by the Senate before Congress adjourned sine die, Romualdez and other lawmakers have forecast that prices would go down by P5 to P6 per kilogram.

READ: Rice prices may go down by P5 to P6 per kilo due to tariff cut – solons

The projected decrease comes after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. approved the reduced tariff rates for rice and other basic commodities.