Artist crafts impressive anime character figures out of paper

Papercraft artist Allan Vincent Cruz, 36, creates impressive anime character figures. Photos courtesy of Allan Papercraft/Facebook

Papercraft artist Allan Vincent Cruz, 36, creates impressive anime character figures. Photos courtesy of Allan Papercraft/Facebook

A 36-year-old papercraft artist from Bocaue, Bulacan, showcased his love for anime by crafting three-dimensional paper figures of his favorite fictional characters. 

Allan Vincent Cruz told the Inquirer he had taken an interest in toy collecting in 2013 but admitted that he could not afford them due to financial deficiency. However, his limitations did not stop him from starting his collection, as he utilized his talent to craft them instead. 

“[I’m a certified 90s kid; cartoons and anime were trendy then. That’s what inspired me to create things that I can’t afford. I can make them with paper],” Cruz said.

Cruz has created ranging from bust to full-body paper figures of various anime characters. He usually spends one week completing bust-only figures and one to three months on human-size figures.

Allan Vincent Cruz creates character paper figures from various anime series, including One Piece, Hunter × Hunter, Demon Slayer, Gundam, and Jujutsu Kaisen. Photos courtesy of Allan Papercraft/Facebook

One of his latest projects was “Anya Forger” from the anime and manga series Spy × Family. He used board paper, glue, a cutter, styro, and a topcoat to make Anya’s full-body figure. 

A full body paper art of Spy × Family’s Anya Forger. Photos courtesy of Allan Papercraft/Facebook

In addition to character figures, Cruz also made a diorama of Disneyland Paris Castle as a challenge to himself to deal with bigger-scale and more time-consuming art projects. 

“[I haven’t done an art that takes too much work and time lately because I have been focusing on art exhibitions from 2022],” Cruz explained. 

Allan Vincent Cruz shows a paper diorama of Disneyland Paris Castle. Photo courtesy of Allan Papercraft/Facebook

Cruz noted that creating papercrafts is his hobby, and he uses his works whenever there are art exhibitions at conventions, malls, and schools. 

In 2017, Cruz started turning his hobby into a business by selling his art pieces. Check his Facebook account, Allan Papercraft, for more of his works and ongoing art projects. 


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