DSWD: 4,200 contractual positions to enhance 4Ps services

DWd to work on adjustment of 4Ps grants

File photo shows beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4Ps waiting for their turn to receive financial assistance. (Photo from DSWD’s Facebook page)

MANILA, Philippines — More contractual positions for the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) will further enhance the delivery of services to the people, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) said on Tuesday.       

DSWD Assistant Secretary Irene Dumlao said the additional posts will help the 4Ps workers employed presently to focus more on the individual needs of the 4Ps beneficiaries.

“These contractual items will substantially alleviate the caseload burden on our dedicated frontline workers, allowing them to focus more on the individual needs of 4Ps beneficiaries, as well as enhancing the quality and efficiency of our case management,” Dumlao said in a statement.

Dumlao’s statement followed the Department of Budget and Management’s approval of the creation of more than 4,200 contractual jobs for the 4Ps.

“We firmly believe that investing in the 4Ps workforce will aid the DSWD in uplifting families out of poverty,” Dumlao added.

Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman said the move will also have a positive impact on the economy.

“With this move, we are also generating employment opportunities, which in some ways help stabilize our economy,” Pangandaman said in a statement on Monday.

The 4Ps is the DSWD’s program for poverty alleviation, which provides cash for conditional requisites, among which includes sending children to school, among others.