Farmer shoots neighbor dead while sleeping

A 68-year-old farmer was shot dead by his neighbor while he slept  inside his house in barangay Manlapay, Dalaguete town, southern Cebu, early dawn yesterday.

Ledonio Bedolido succumbed to a gunshot wound on his head.

The suspect, Restituto Enricoso, 26, was arrested by police before noon yesterday.

Police investigation revealed that Restituto, who was suffering from a nervous breakdown, told his wife Mary Jane that someone wanted to kill him.

Afraid for his life, Bedolido and his wife went to Bedolido’s house to hide at 10 p.m. last Sunday.

Police said Bedolido and his wife told Restituto, who was armed with an improvised shotgun locally known as bugakhang,  to calm down.

Police said the couple asked  Bedolino to stay over for the night.

Police said at 2 a.m., Restituto shot the sleeping Bedolido  and hit his head with the gun several times afterward.

The wives, who were awakened by the shot, jumped out of the window out of fear.

Bedolido was brought to the town’s St. William Funeral Homes for autopsy.

Restituto, who will be charged with murder, is detained at the Dalaguete police precinct.

Police said Restituto cannot talk clearly. REPORTER RHEA RUTH V. ROSELL