MANILA, Philippines — The Supreme Court (SC) said on Wednesday that it has held the first Shari’ah Bar Examinations (SBE) in the digital mode and across various regional testing centers in the country.
According to the SC, the exams were held on April 28 in two testing centers, the Ateneo de Davao University and in University of the Philippines – Diliman.
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It said that 855 examinees attended the first examination day, which is the highest number of SBE takers in history. In comparison, 526 examinees attended the 2022 SBE.
Meanwhile, the SC said that over 90 percent of SBE examinees took the exams in the digital format, while others took the handwritten exam, the latter of which was available in the Arabic language.
The first day of the exams had the exam subjects Jurisprudence (Figh), Customary Laws (Adat), Persons, Family Relations, and Property.
The second day, which will be on May 2, will have the subjects Succession, Wills and Adjudication, and Settlement of Estates, and Procedure in the Shari‘ah Courts.
The SC also said that the SBE will now be conducted annually instead of being held every other year, and that Associate Justice Antonio will lead the 2025 SBE.
The Shari‘ah Training Seminar (STS) will also have a second batch in seven locations nationwide which the Supreme Court will oversee with the National Commission of Muslim Filipinos.
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The STS, which is a requirement for SBE takers, has also been expanded to allow overseas Filipino workers from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to join it online, while they will take their examinations in the Philippines. Qualified examinees will be given financial assistance to cover their airfare and accommodations from the SC.
“Still, this is only the beginning of our efforts to truly invest the appropriate focus and resources in the Shari‘ah justice system. This is the promise of the SPJI (Strategic Plan for Judicial Innovations),” 2024 SBE Chairperson Associate Justice Maria Singh said.