Please help my boy, mom asks readers

Ian Gabriel Jumantoc’s five-year battle with leukemia has not only robbed him of a normal childhood, it has also deprived him of an education.

“At eight years old, he should be in school reading, writing and playing with his classmates,” Ian’s mother, Gizelle Espectacion, said. “I thought he had already graduated from chemotherapy.”

The young boy started seeking treatment for his condition at age three. Right now, he needs to undergo 12 chemotherapy sessions after doctors from the Philippine Children’s Medical Center found a tumor in his groin.

Each session costs around P70,000.

But before treatment can start, Ian has to undergo a biopsy to help the doctors determine the type of tumor and the appropriate medicine for his ailment. The estimated cost for the biopsy is P30,000.

Espectacion is appealing for help from Inquirer readers as she cannot shoulder Ian’s medical expenses on her own. She and her son are dependent on her father who makes a living from being a silk-screen painter.

Those who want to help Ian can call Espectacion at 0910-4349290. Donations can be deposited in her BPI account (account name Gizelle Espectacion with account number 6836-117458).