‘X-Trash Challenge’ Year 4 to boost waste segregation

esgIn a concerted effort to champion environmental sustainability and responsible waste management practices, the Philippine Business for Social Progress Inc. (PBSP), in collaboration with Basic Environmental Services and Technologies, has launched the 4th annual X-Trash Challenge.

This innovative competition, exclusively designed for PBSP member companies, aims to instill the importance of waste segregation at source and the collection of recyclable materials, by encouraging PBSP members to actively participate in the exchange of recyclables, including paper, plastic, metal and glass. These materials are then dropped off at designated My Basurero Eco-Community Centers.

A noteworthy addition to this year’s challenge is that employees are encouraged to create their personal account for the Trash to Cashback Program for them to continue exchanging recyclables and earn environmental points even after the duration of the challenge, thus fostering a sustained commitment to environmental stewardship.

PBSP’s 29 Obliged Enterprises under its Producers Responsibility Organization work were also invited to participate and be part of this year’s challenge.

So far, the X-Trash Challenge has collected and has diverted a total of 402,005.22 kilograms of waste. The environmental points earned by participating companies are utilized to purchase essential items such as food packs and school supplies, which are then donated to beneficiaries chosen by the challengers. This initiative not only promotes proper solid waste management but also cultivates a culture of giving back to the community.

This year’s challengers include A. Magsaysay Inc., Accenture, TV5/Alagang Kapatid Foundation, Bangko Kabayan, BDO, CDO Foodsphere, Citi, Deloitte, East West Seed, Fluor, IBM, Meralco, Monde Nissin, Monocrete Construction Philippines, NEO Property Management, 7-Eleven Philippines, PLDT, Smart, Standard Chartered Bank and Zuellig Corp./Zuellig Foundation.

X-Trash Challenge Year 4 will run until Sept. 20, 2024.