Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula. (Photo courtesy of Archdiocese of Capiz)
MANILA, Philippines — Manila Archbishop Jose Advincula reminded priests on Maundy Thursday to keep prayer central to their lives.
Cardinal Advincula said prayer is a part of priests’ lives and will be detrimental to their vocation without it.
“As we prepare to renew our priestly commitment for this year of prayer as designated by Pope Francis in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year, pilgrims of hope, let us take this opportunity to remember the value of prayer in our priestly lives,” Cardinal Advincula said in his homily.
He said that God should be intimate with priests and that prayer is how to do this.
“God wants to be near us, near our hearts, in our hearts and minds. God wants to be intimately close to us,” Advincula said in a mix of Filipino and English.
Advincula also joked that the priest who has no prayer life has no love life.
“My dear brother priests, prayer is the way of intimacy with God. For as priests, our prayer life is our love life. That is why the priest with no prayer life is a priest with no love life. And the person with no love life is a person with no life.,” he said.
The archbishop made the statements at the Archdiocese of Manila’s Chrism Mass on Maundy Thursday, where all priests within the diocese attend to renew their priestly vows.
Filipino Catholics follow other religious traditions during Maundy Thursday, which is part of the larger Holy Week observance.
They attend the Mass of the Last Supper and then visit seven churches, also known as the Visita Iglesia.