Justice Secretary de Lima berated by 2 Senators for ‘reckless actions’ in Vizconde case

MANILA, Philippines – Justice Secretary Leila de Lima was pilloried by two senators for her alleged “reckless actions”, and “insatiable thirst for publicity” in handling the re-introduction of new evidence in the Vizconde massacre case.

“Sec. de Lima is at it again. The mandate of DOJ (Department of Justice) is to serve justice by prosecution. No way they should crucify people before the bar of public opinion,” Senator Panfilo Lacson railed,  in a statement on Wednesday.

Lacson was reacting to a televised press conference of the Justice Secretary when she presented the results of a -six-month inquiry, showing that Hubert Webb, who was acquitted by the Supreme Court, was in the country when the massacre happened in 1991.

Despite the findings , De Lima acknowledged that there was no new evidence to prove that Webb, son of a former Senator, Freddie Webb, or any of his co-accused, was at the crime .

“So what did she accomplish by announcing to the public an inconclusive finding that Hubert Webb may have been in the country when the Vizconde Massacre happened, except to be seen on TV and in the newspapers at the expense of the same people who cannot be prosecuted anyway under the principle of double jeopardy?” asked Lacson.

“I myself continue to suffer in indignity because of her (de Lima) insatiable thirst for publicity,” Lacson complained. To say she’s pathetic would be a compliment. I hope she starts working and perform her mandate the right way for a change.”

Senate Majority Leader Vicente Sotto III warned that de Lima’s action on this issue could affect her confirmation when she faces the powerful Commission on Appointments.

“Reckless actions and statement of Cabinet secretaries will not help them with the Commission on Appointments,” Sotto said.

“The credibility of witnesses presented in court versus unknown personalities, is simply irresponsible,” he said.