ADDITIONAL BENEFITS | From P65 a week, the special discount on basic goods for seniors and persons with disabilities will go up to P125 starting next month, as soon as the agencies concerned issue an interagency circular. (INQUIRER FILE PHOTO)
MANILA, Philippines — The almost 100 percent increase in the special weekly discount on basic goods and other prime commodities granted to senior citizens and persons with disabilities (PWDs) will take effect starting next month, according to House Speaker Martin Romualdez.
He said in a statement on Wednesday that the implementation of the higher discount for the elderly and PWDs in March was agreed upon during a discussion with officials of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Citing a conversation with Trade Undersecretary Carolina Sanchez, Romualdez said the DTI was currently working on an interagency circular “so that the usual P65 per week discount for senior citizens and PWDs may be increased to P125.”
This would bring the monthly discount from P260 to P500.
Sanchez said that while consultations were still ongoing, they expect the circular reflecting the over 92 percent increase to be released in time for March. The circular would be issued by the DTI, Department of Agriculture (DA), and Department of Energy.
The hike in the weekly special discount on groceries and other prime commodities for seniors and PWDs was prompted by a request from a joint House committee led by Albay Rep. Joey Salceda on Feb. 18.
As ordered by Romualdez, the House panels on ways and means, and senior citizens is currently conducting a motu proprio investigation into the implementation of laws regarding benefits enjoyed by the two groups.5-percent discount
During the Feb. 18 hearing, Salceda asked representatives from the DTI and DA to consider raising the weekly discount cap from P65 to P125—for a total of P500 per month.
At present, seniors and PWDs are entitled to a special 5-percent discount on the regular retail prices — without exemption from the value-added tax — of basic necessities under DTI-DA Administrative Order No. 10-02, as part of Republic Act No. 9994 or the Expanded Senior Citizens Act. The total value of goods they can avail themselves of once a week is capped at P1,300, entitling them to a discount of P65 or 5 percent.
READ: Romualdez seeks probe into cases of denied discounts for seniors, PWDs
Sanchez clarified that the discounts apply only to basic goods and prime commodities, or typical items consumed daily such as rice, corn, bread, meat, fish, chicken, eggs, cooking oil, sugar, vegetables, fruits, onions, garlic, as well as fresh and processed milk, except medical grade milk.
Also covered are manufactured goods such as processed meat, sardines, and even corned beef, although the premium brands are not.
Premium items, including nonessential food, such as cakes and pastries, are also exempted from the additional discount, according to Sanchez.