BFAR warns of fish kill due to El Niño

BFAR warns of fish kill due to El Niño

FILE PHOTO: The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) warns that the occurrence of fish mortality or fish kill may become prevalent due to the El Niño phenomenon. INQUIRER FILES

MANILA, Philippines — The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) warned that the occurrence of fish mortality may become prevalent due to the El Niño phenomenon.

BFAR spokesperson Nazario Briguera said that heat may result in lower water levels, especially in “land-based fishponds,” which could mean lower oxygen for fish.

“Mas vulnerable sila doon sa pagbaba ng level ng tubig, kasi nga mainit at posibleng magkaroon ng mga fish mortality, kasi puwedeng bumaba iyong dissolved oxygen level doon sa mga fishponds,” he explained.

(They are more vulnerable to a drop in the water level because it is hot and there is a possibility of fish mortality because the dissolved oxygen level in the fishponds can drop.)

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However, Briguera likewise said that certain types of fish are more easily caught during El Niño.

“May mga datos na nagsasabi na during El Niño ay tumataas ang production natin ng sardinas, iyong ating tamban, dahil favorable condition para sa kanila iyon,” Briguera disclosed during the Bagong Pilipinas Ngayon public briefing.

(There are data that say that during El Niño, our production of sardines, our stock, increases, because it is a favorable condition for them.)

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To mitigate the anticipated impacts of El Niño on fish production, the BFAR official said they will increase the operations of mariculture parks, as well as promote good aquaculture practices such as ensuring fishponds only culture right amount of fingerlings.

“Palalawakin din ng BFAR iyong operations ng ating mga mariculture parks, ito, iyong mga palaisdaan sa dagat, nasa fish cages, so hindi sila vulnerable doon sa init na magiging dulot ng El Niño,” Briguera said .

(BFAR will also expand the operations of our mariculture parks, these fisheries in the sea, in fish cages, so they are not vulnerable to the heat that will be caused by El Niño.)