Cha-cha focused on economic reforms, not term extension, says solon


MANILA, Philippines — House Majority Leader Manuel Jose Dalipe has belied claims that Charter change or constitutional amendments are being initiated to extend the term of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., saying that people believing that should first read Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) No. 6.

During a press briefing at the House complex, Dalipe was asked about former president Rodrigo Duterte’s rants against the people’s initiative, as the ex-chief executive said presidents only want to lengthen their terms once they reach Malacañang.

Dalipe said Duterte should have read RBH No. 6 first and then he will discover that the said resolution bars Congress from amending — if allowed — other provisions of the 1987 Constitution except economic ones.

“Klarong-klaro po sa finile namin, economic provisions, kasi you cannot do something na hindi parte do’n eh.  We filed it eh, I think they have to read first what we filed instead of trying to speculate or trying to think of something that is not there,” Dalipe told reporters.

(It is very clear in what we filed, it’s for economic provisions, because you cannot do something which is not part of that eh.)

“It’s clear, we transmitted it to the Senate.  We ask everyone, we ask everybody who has a different thought to this, can they read what we filed?  Never did it mention anything political there, it’s economic, ever since last Congress eh, economic,” he added.

t the Davao City rally on Sunday — which coincided with President Marcos’ Bagong Pilipinas rally in Manila — Duterte questioned the need for people’s initiative, noting that the 1987 Constitution functions well.

He also said that he would have people’s initiative initiators arrested if regains power, adding that the petition stems from presidents wanting to extend their terms.

“Ang malas ng Pilipinas, every president — almost all — ‘pag naupo na d’yan sa Malacañang, walang ginagawa kung mag-isip ang mga p*tang *na kung paano pahabain ang termino nila.  That’s the problem.  Bakit gano’n kayo?” Duterte asked.

(The unfortunate fate of the Philippines comes from every president — almost all — once seated in Malacañang, does nothing but for these s*ns of b*tc*s to extend their terms.  That’s the problem.  Why are you like that?)

However, a quick read of the House-version RBH No. 6 shows that the scope of the proposed amendments would center on economic provisions only.

“Extensive studies show that particular economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution need to be revisited and recrafted so that the Philippines may become globally competitive and attuned with the changing times,” RBH No. 6 stated.

No less than President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. clarified that he does not want political reforms for the 1987 Constitution, saying in a 24 Oras interview that he only wants to remove economic restrictions and let more foreign direct investments come in.