Diplomatic immunities no license to crimes, says DFA

Immunities do not give diplomats a license to commit crimes.

This was stressed on Friday by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) amid protests against the release of Panamanian diplomat accused of raping a 19-year-old girl.

DFA spokesperson Raul Hernandez said the DFA has asked the Panamanian government to waive the diplomatic immunity of Erick Bairnals Shcks, a technical officer of the Panama Maritime Authority, who was accused of raping the girl last month.

“We have already made a request so he can be prosecuted here,” he said, but added that the DFA has yet to receive a response from the Panamanian government.

The DFA official also clarified that the agency did not “flip-flop” on Schks’ diplomatic immunity.

“There was nothing like that,” he said.