INQToday: De Lima: ‘I am going to rebuild my life’; TD weakens into LPA, may again become cyclone

De Lima: ‘I am going to rebuild my life’; TD weakens into LPA, may again become cyclone | INQToday

De Lima after posting bail: ‘I am going to rebuild my life now’

 Former senator Leila de Lima says she would start redeeming her name after being granted bail after almost seven years in detention on drug charges.

“This is my opportunity because you know they destroyed my life, and that’s why I am going to rebuild my life now,” De Lima said in a press conference.

US welcomes De Lima’s release on bail; urges PH to resolve last drug case

The United States says it welcomes former senator Leila de Lima’s release on bail as it urges the Philippines to resolve her remaining drug case.

Senate grants additional budget for Philippine Coast Guard

The Philippine Coast Guard is set to receive an ample increase in its budget for next year.

Tropical depression weakens into LPA but may again become cyclone

The state weather bureau says the tropical depression east of southeastern Mindanao has weakened into a low-pressure area but may intensify into a cyclone again before it enters the Philippine area of responsibility.