News Briefs

Rama backs Gwen’s Senate bid
CEBU City Mayor Michael Rama yesterday said that he would support the Senate bid of Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia and that it would be an “act of treason” for any Cebuano not to.

“We should not be depicting crab mentality.  Who will you support  – a non Cebuano?” he said.

He said Garcia’s achievements in preserving arts and culture, promoting tourism and improving roads in Cebu province were enough to prove her worth for a national position.

“She may not be perfect like the rest of us, but crab mentality is not what this country needs,” said Rama.

While he belongs to the Liberal Party, and Gwen heads the One Cebu Party, Rama said Cebu’s first woman governor deserves to run for a seat in the Senate.

The mayor said Gwen proved her capabilities during nine years in the Capitol. One Cebu is seeking an alliance with the United National Alliance (UNA) of Vice President Jejomar Binay.

Rama said having a national network is key to winning the race.

“As an LP member, I also recognize partisanship.  But at the end of the day, who will watch you when you go to the precinct to vote?” he said, referring to the  logistics of fielding poll watchers all over the country to protect a candidate’s vote tally.

Garcia’s arch-critic, Rep. Tomas Osmeña of Cebu City, whose elder brother Serge  will serve a Senate term until 2016, belittled the governor’s aspiration.

He said he’d rather vote for “her horse” than someone who wants to “destroy” the South Road Properties or purchase submerged property in Naga City.

Meanwhile, Rama denied negotiating with PDP-Laban and UNA party members. He said he would remain with the Liberal Party “unless someone wants me out.”

Antonio Cuenco, Team Rama’s candidate for Cebu City south district congressman, earlier told CDN he’s being invited by Aquilino and Koko Pimentel to rejoin his old party, the PDP Laban.

Cuenco, who is in Jakarta, said he wanted to discuss the matter with Mayor Rama first.  Rama said he is inviting opposition leaders Alvin Garcia, Jonathan Guardo and Joel Garganera for next year’s local election.

“I need everybody’s help,” said Rama, who faces an uphill reelection against Tomas Osmeña, who wants to return to City Hall. Correspondent Edison delos Angeles

Women urged to undergo vaccination
INSTEAD of buying branded shoes and bags, women should set their priorities and invest on regular vaccinations and cervical check-ups, health officials said yesterday.

Dr. Belinda Pañares, OB-Gyne chairperson of the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center said women should get vaccinated as early as nine years old to stave off the virus that would cause the outgrowth of cancerous cells affecting the cervix.

Cervical cancer is the second most common disease among women next to breast cancer. It is caused by certain types of Human papilloma virus, which is transmitted sexually.

Pañares said there are no symptoms during the early stage of the disease which means women should undergo an annual pap smear screening for early detection.

The disease can be prevented through regular pap smear tests.  “Even if you have less sexual activity, if you acquire the virus, there is a higher possibility that the virus will remain,” said Dr. Virginia Abalos, regional director of the Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society  (POGS)-Cebu Chapter.
Abalos said the cost of getting pap smear would normally range from P100 to P300. With the celebration of the Scarlet May or the Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, VSMMC is again offering free pap smear tests to women of reproductive age.

The annual celebration of Scarlet May will open tomorrow at 8 a.m. with an exhibits at CECAP Center.

Scarlet May is initiated by the Department Obstetrics and Gynecology of VSMMC to promote awareness on cervical cancer prevention in the community.

During the month-long celebration, the VSMMC doctors will also be visiting different barangays to conduct free pap smear tests. On May 5, a  “Lantern Walk” will be held as the highlight of the activity. Correspondent Fe Marie Dumaboc