Senate bill granting cash gift to Filipinos turning 80, 90 gets Senate nod

Senate bill granting cash gift to Filipinos turning 80, 90 gets Senate nod stock photo

MANILA, Philippines —  The Senate on Monday approved on its third and final reading of Senate Bill No. 2028, which would amend the Centenarians Act of 2016 to expand coverage of cash aid to Filipinos who turn 80 or 90 years old.

The Senate approved the bill with 20 members voting for it and nobody voting against or abstaining.

With the amendments, all Filipinos residing in the Philippines or abroad, upon reaching the ages of 80 and 90, will receive a cash gift of P10,000 and P20,000, respectively.

READ: Funding woes stall giving cash gifts to 80- and 90-year-olds

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Under the current law, Filipinos turning 100 will receive a cash gift of P100,000 and a letter of felicitation from the president.

Once enacted into law, the bill requires the National Commission on Senior Citizens to set up an elderly data management system in coordination with local government units and the following agencies:

Under the bill, persons currently covered by the Centenarians Act of 2016 will be maintained and stored.