Judiciary e-library taps AI to improve legal research

Artificial intelligence (AI)-driven technology will now be integrated into the judiciary e-library to improve legal research, according to the Supreme Court.

Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo highlighted the role of AI in enabling faster and easier access to legal references.

“AI could be the magnet that makes [legal] search faster and easier, to the benefit of the people that we ultimately serve,” he said.

“[AI] will usher in the redevelopment of the Judiciary E-Library, which will include AI-enabled tech to improve its legal research capabilities,” he added.

The chief justice described the current state of legal research as similar to “looking for a needle in haystacks upon haystacks.”

Thus, technology must be maximized to improve the process, he stressed.

“AI-enabled tech will also generate analysis based on words and phrases, including their context, from previous cases or legal precedents, and predict and suggest possible outcomes for new cases,” he added.

—Tina G. Santos