Aquino urged: Go after your erring people, too

MANILA, Philippines—President Benigno Aquino III should go after his erring men as well and not just those perceived to be his political enemies, Senate Minority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano has said.
“To be very honest, he (Aquino) is doing a good job but he can do a great job,” Cayetano said in a transcript of interview sent to reporters by his office on Tuesday.

But the opposition leader also noted criticisms that the Aquino government was going only after its perceived political enemies.

“During the Arroyo administration, the message ‘You complain, and you’d end up in jail.’ You go after corruption, and you would be the loser. At least now, whether or not there’s corruption, there is a message from the President that ‘We’ll go after you,’” Cayetano said.

“But critics are saying, ‘Go after your own people too not only those whom you perceived are political enemies’,” the senator added.

While he acknowledged Aquino’s efforts to address the unabated corruption in the country, Cayetano said, “There is still some kind of petty corruption existing.”

“I think he has to take a stand. I don’t think he should be afraid of any type of consequences in reform because people are hungry for it,” he said.