Scholars, leaders to champion ‘post-pandemic recovery’

MANILA, Philippines — Social science scholars along with researchers, policymakers and academics will gather at the end of July in an event to discuss plans for the country’s post-pandemic recovery and to address other matters relating to public health.

The event, dubbed as the 10th National Social Science Congress (NSSC), is an initiative of the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC), a non-government organization seeking to put forward science, culture, and education.

Co-organizaed with Siliman University, this year’s NSCC will be held in Dumaguete City, Negros Occidental from July 27 to July 29. It will adopt the theme “Centering Social Sciences in Future-Proof Health and Well-Being.”

The 10th National Social Science Congress (Photo from PSSC)

PSSC Executive Director Lourdes Portus, in a statement on Wednesday, said the NSSC will be a platform for social scientists and other experts to discuss plans related to the country’s post-pandemic recovery.

“The [NSSC] comes at just the right time when nations are recovering from the life-altering COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted our otherwise normal world – causing deaths and unspeakable suffering and upheaval in our lives. Medical science has been at the front and center of the country’s collective response to the pandemic; now social scientists must take center stage in planning and facilitating our post-pandemic recovery,” said Portus.

Among the resource speakers for the five plenary sessions of the NSSC include former Health Secretary Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan who will tackle how health social sciences can be a tool to achieve a “future-proof”  health and wellbeing; Converge ICT Solutions Chief Executive Officer Dennis Anthony Uy to highlight the impact of digitalization and technology on health and wellness; and Dr. Miwako Hosoda of the Seisa University in Japan who will discuss health and the challenges to social and health disparities from the perspective of social sciences.

Also among the speakers, Dr. Ramir Banko, a public health specialist, will present the outcome of his study entitled: Devising Strategies for Equitable Pandemic Response through Landscape Analysis of COVID-19 and Groups Living in Vulnerable Situations.

Meanwhile, Dr. Jorge Emmanuel of Silliman University will discuss the role of the social sciences in pulling back into safe spaces of planetary boundaries and protecting planetary health.

According to PSSC, academic papers relating to the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will also be presented during the event.

“PSSC’s mission, from the very beginning, has been to advance Philippine social sciences and, at the same time, serve as a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue and activities,” said Portus.


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