UP Diliman prof and scientist named first Filipino editor of int’l journal for optics

UP Diliman prof and scientist is named the first Filipino editor of int’l journal for optics

Prof. Percival F. Almoro of the University of the Philippines-Diliman College of Science National Institute of Physics (Photo courtesy of UPD-CS NIP)

MANILA, Philippines —  A University of the Philippines (UP) professor and scientist will head the esteemed scientific publication Optik: International Journal for Light and Electron Optics as its first Filipino editor.

UP Diliman College of Science National Institute of Physics (CS NIP) announced Wednesday that international scientific publishing house Elsevier appointed Prof. Percival F. Almoro as Optik journal’s section editor in early June.

According to UPD-CS NIP, Optik was established in 1956 and has published works of famous physicists such as  R. W. Gerchberg and W. O. Saxton,  for whom the phase retrieval algorithm is named. It is also the official journal of the German Society for Applied Optics, which includes Nobel Prize winners Denni Gabor (1979, holography) and Stefan Hell (2014, super-resolved fluorescence microscopy) as honorary members.

The UPD-CS NIP revealed that Almoro would be responsible for writing the last words on the journal’s contents, covering areas of optical metrology, interferometry, and phase retrieval.

“This editorship stint is a great honor not just for me but also for all Filipinos,” Almoro said in a statement.

“It is a recognition on the international stage that researchers in the country can carry out good quality research,” he added.

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Based on the Department of Science and Technology’s website, Almoro earned his doctorate in Physics in 2004 and attended postdoctoral fellowships at the Institute of Applied Optics, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (2006);  Risø National Research Laboratory, Kingdom of Denmark (2009); and the Center of Optical Research and Education, University of Utsunomiya, Japan (2014).

His specialization ranges from optics and optoelectronics, nondestructive testing, phase retrieval, speckle interferometry, holography, coherent metrology, lasers, optics, photonics, and fringe processing.


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