MMDA, LGUs approve 60kph maximum speed limit on Macapagal Ave.

MANILA, Philippines – A maximum speed limit of 60 kilometers per hour on all types of vehicles travelling along Diosdado Macapagal Avenue will soon be implemented, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority said in a statement Friday.

Mayors of 16 cities and one municipality in the metropolis, officials from government agencies and MMDA Chairman Francis Tolentino unanimously approved in a meeting Thursday a resolution setting the 60-kph speed limit.

“The emerging location for shopping centers and other establishments along Macapagal Ave. also multiplies the volume of vehicles that traverse in the said thoroughfare which results to the high rate of road accidents and tragic loss of lives, limbs, and property, especially during night time when it is also being used by drag racers,” Tolentino said.

The resolution will take effect 15 days after publication in two newspapers of general circulation, the statement also said.

The Macapagal Ave. is 35 meters wide and almost five kilometers long with four lanes on both directions.