PNP: Suspects in Degamo slay case that are still at large may also be ex-Army

MANILA, Philippines — The suspects in the killing of Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo that are still at large could also be former personnel of the Philippine Army, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said on Monday.

Azurin said this was based on the testimony of arrested suspects, who are former members of the Philippine Army.

“So far, if you try to look at the profile of the earlier arrested na personalities, ito yung mga (they are) ex-army. So definitely based doon sa mga lead na nakukuha natin, ito ‘yung grupo ng mga na-dismiss, AWOL na mga Army (Based on the leads we got, this is the group that was dismissed, the ones who went AWOL in the Army),” Azurin said in  a press briefing.

“Kasi ang nakikita natin dyan is may kanya-kanyang grupo ng ex-PNP, may grupo ng ibang mga branch of service. So we are looking now at na mga ex-Army that’s why we are coordinating with the Philippine Army about doon yung mga possible na identity ng mga suspects na hinahanap natin, dahil base sa sinasabi ng mga arrested suspects, magkakasama sila pero hindi sila gaano magkakakilala,” he added.

(What we see there is that those who are ex-PNP have their own group, and there are other groups from different branches of service. So we are looking now at the ex-Army; that’s why we are coordinating with the Philippine Army about the possible identities of the suspects we are hunting down because based on the arrested suspects’ admission, they are together but they don’t really know each other.)

PNP spokesperson Jean Fajardo on Monday said the PNP is on the lookout for 12 more suspects.

Four of the alleged gunmen — Joric Labrador, Joven Javier, Benjie Rodriguez, and Osmundo Rivero, all former Army soldiers — were arrested and charged with multiple murder, multiple frustrated murder, and illegal possession of firearms. The fifth suspect was fatally shot and has not yet been identified.

READ: 5th suspect in murder of Negros Oriental governor nabbed

Degamo and eight provincial staff and constituents were killed while 16 others, including three provincial officials, were wounded in a gun attack in the governor’s residence in Pamplona town on Saturday, March 4.


4 suspects in murder of Negros Oriental governor charged

Former soldiers tagged as gunmen in Degamo slay ‘dishonorably discharged’ from service
