BOC seizes P5.7-M ‘shabu’ hidden inside buttons

Drug traffickers are finding more creative ways to hide illegal substance. The Bureau of Customs (BOC) Port of Clark has seized around P5.7 million worth of methamphetamine hydrochloride, or “shabu,” concealed inside dress buttons. According to the bureau, the shipment declared as “dress” arrived on Feb. 14 from Harare, Zimbabwe. It was subjected to K9 sniffing and X-ray scanning, but physical examination yielded 838.6825 grams of white crystalline substances inside 255 dress buttons and in the side walls of the carton box. Samples of the substance were subjected to laboratory analysis, which confirmed the presence of the dangerous drug. The BOC said investigation was ongoing for the filing of charges against the shipment’s consignee.

—Tina G. Santos