Bureau of Internal Revenue
The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) on Thursday filed 74 complaints of tax evasion amounting to P3.58 billion against erring individuals and corporations nationwide.
BIR Commissioner Romeo Lumagui Jr. said that of the total 74 complaints, 53 were filed with the Department of Justice amounting to P3.56 billion, while the 21 others were filed in local prosecution offices in the country amounting to P15.9 million.
“We’re doing this because we want to convey to the public, especially that the filing season is fast approaching, to ensure that if we file our returns, we pay the correct tax or risk facing complaints,” he told reporters.
Without naming the respondents, Lumagui said these include oil and cigarette companies as well as individuals and corporate taxpayers who allegedly violated the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended.
These violations include willful failure to pay taxes, willful attempt to evade or defeat the payment of taxes due, and willful failure to pay/remit its income tax liabilities.
The respondents include those who filed their tax returns, without corresponding payment, he added.
Pay appropriate taxes
According to Lumagui, they observed that there were some who file tax returns but do not pay the appropriate taxes.“But we monitor if they have paid the right tax amount,” he said. “Let this serve as a warning to taxpayers who intend to fraudulently evade payment of taxes that they better file and pay the correct taxes.”
“We also want to assure the public that the BIR is committed to ensure that everyone is paying their fair share of taxes,” he added.
The BIR said that the complaints filed included nine cases from Revenue Region No. 5 in Caloocan City, amounting to P827,142,550.14; two complaints from Revenue Region No. 6 in Manila, amounting to P13,944,000; four complaints from Revenue Region No. 7A in Quezon City, amounting to P50,489,462.08; 10 cases filed by Revenue Region No. 8A in Makati City, amounting to P1,725,996,752.04; and seven complaints from Revenue Region No. 8B in South National Capital Region, amounting to P413,711,829.33.
Also filed were six cases from Revenue Region No. 9A in CaBaMiRo, amounting to P115,209,151.65; five cases from Revenue Region No. 9B in LaQueMar, amounting to P114,110,950.24; three complaints filed by Revenue Region No. 13 in Cebu City, amounting to P44,887,444.91; three from Revenue Region No. 16 in Cagayan de Oro City, amounting to P16,607,516.64; and another three from Revenue Region No. 17 in Butuan City, amounting to P149,108,290.05.
Other complaints
There was also a complaint from the Large Tax Payers Collection Enforcement Division of the National Office amounting to P96,665,089.06.
The BIR noted that complaints were filed through its Run After Tax Evader Program which “require revenue officials and employees to investigate criminal violations and assist in the prosecution of criminal cases.”
“Enforcement of tax laws is needed to enhance the voluntary compliance of taxpayers,” it said.