Aquino: Recall needy in Lent

President Benigno Aquino III INQUIRER FILE PHOTO

President Benigno Aquino III has urged Filipinos to remember the needy as they pause for the Lenten holidays and asked them to further strengthen their faith and follow the will of God.

In his message for Lent, Mr. Aquino said the government now was on the side of the people and was putting an end to tyranny and corruption.

“Like Christ, may we include in our vows and prayers the need to look after the welfare of the needy. Let Him be our guide in facing the trials as we take the straight path,” the President said.

Mr. Aquino said that in the history of the country, there were also countless Filipinos who offered their sweat, blood and sacrifice to save the Philippines and their countrymen from the suffering wrought by corruption and poverty.

“It is now our duty to continue what they have started to completely eradicate the crooked system,” he said.

“Now that it is clear that the government is an ally of our countrymen in bringing reforms, we are ending the reign of those who are like Herod in their position and making answerable the Judases to the public trust,” he added.

The President ended his Lenten message by wishing the people a safe and peaceful Holy Week. Norman Bordadora