Daily average COVID-19 cases fall by 36%

MANILA, Philippines — The confirmed COVID-19 cases reported daily have fallen to less than 200 over the past week, said the Department of Health (DOH).

The latest weekly case bulletin showed a 36 percent drop in the daily average number of people who tested positive for the coronavirus, to 172 from the previous week’s 270.

Out of the 1,206 new confirmed cases last week, only one was in severe or critical condition.

Currently, there are 456 COVID-19 patients in hospitals who are severely or critically ill.

Active cases or people still infected with the virus fell to 9,952 from 10,587 a week ago.

Nearly 40 percent or 3,936 active cases were admitted to hospitals while the majority were presumed to be recovering at home.

Meanwhile, the DOH belatedly confirmed 74 more COVID-19 deaths, including two deaths that occurred more than two years ago.

This raised the official death toll to 65,775 out of 4,073,216 confirmed cases since the DOH confirmed the first case on Jan. 30, 2020, in a Chinese female tourist from Wuhan, China.

The utilization of COVID-19 intensive care unit (ICU) beds improved to 14 percent from 16.1 percent last week.
Around 19.5 percent of non-ICU COVID-19 beds are in use, compared to 19.1 percent last week.

A total of 73,834,420 Filipinos have been fully vaccinated, representing 94.5 percent of the government’s target of 78.1 million.

However, only 21.34 million have received at least one additional dose as a booster.