NCRPO top brass heed ‘resign’ call, take drug test

NCRPO chief Maj. Gen. Jonnel Estomo. STORY: NCRPO top brass heed ‘resign’ call, take drug test

NCRPO chief Maj. Gen. Jonnel Estomo. (INQUIRER FILE PHOTO)

MANILA, Philippines — Top officials of the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) not only tendered their courtesy resignations on Friday but also took a drug test as a show of support for an initiative to rid the Philippine National Police of so-called “narcos in uniform.’’

NCRPO chief Maj. Gen. Jonnel Estomo led the 67 full colonels and generals in taking the “surprise” drug test at Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig City, after submitting their voluntary resignation, in compliance with a call made by Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos on Wednesday.

Should he tests positive, Estomo said, he would immediately resign from the PNP.

The rest of the officials would be “automatically deemed resigned from the service” should they test positive, without the need to be screened by a five-man committee whose members would be selected by President Marcos, Estomo said.

Magalong on panel

They would also be facing criminal charges if they turn out to be drug users, he added.

Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr., chief of the PNP, who was among the first to submit courtesy resignations to the President on Thursday, said he expected all the 955 ranking officials covered by the Abalos directive—820 colonels, 108 brigadier generals, 19 major generals, eight lieutenant generals—to follow suit until Jan. 31.

The five-member committee will place the resigned officials under scrutiny for involvement in drug syndicates. Abalos disclosed on Friday that Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong, a retired police general, would be on the panel.


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