Aquino’s approval rating dips further; Palace unfazed

MANILA, Philippines—President Benigno Aquino III’s public approval rating has fallen sharply as he approaches the first anniversary of his landslide election win, an independent polling institute said Tuesday.

Although Malacañang has acknowledged the falling numbers in the nationwide survey of 1,200 adults, it said the figures showed Aquino still enjoyed broad support.

“The figure remains in the ‘very good’ range and [is] historically, very high,” it said in a statement.

“As the administration marks its first year in office, it is heartening to note that it continues to receive the support of the broad public.”

“I’m really not that concerned with the popularity; it will go up and down,” Mr. Aquino answered reporters when he was told his rating, according to the Social Weather Stations (SWS), had gone down.

“What’s important for us at the end of the day is if we can face anybody and say we’re working instead of just trying to look good,” the President added.

Manila-based SWS said Aquino’s rating slipped to 64 percent in the June 3-6 survey, down from a peak of 74 percent in November.

The reasons for the slide were not given, but Leo Larosa, a researcher for the pollster, said respondents in earlier surveys had been dismayed by rising inflation and perceptions of slow progress in the justice system.

Running on an anti-corruption platform, Aquino won a landslide victory in May 2010. He succeeded Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, who was dogged by electoral fraud and corruption allegations through her nine years in power.

Mr. Aquino’s satisfaction rating slipped 13 points last April in a survey also conducted by SWS. With Norman Bordadora, PDI