Rama: Free legal aid program for elderly

THE Cebu city government is trying to arrange for lawyers to provide free legal assistance to senior citizens on top of the P5,000 financial assistance that the elderly will receive this year.

Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama said the program is part of his vision for a livable city.

“When I come back (from my Japan trip), I  want to see this program functional and operational,” he said.

The mayor leaves today for  Yokohama, Japan,  for an official visit.  He will be back on April 1.

Rama said he already wrote Vice Mayor Joy Augustus Young and designated him as acting mayor in his absence.

“I have no insecurities about that and I have nothing to hide,” he said.

Lawyer Janeses Ponce, the mayor’s consultant, said he is talking with the Integrated Bar of the Philippines  Cebu City Chapter, Cebu lady lawyers and the Young Lawyers Association of Cebu to seek their help.

Ponce said City Hall wants to  provide  free legal aid to senior citizens especially in the following up of their pension claims and in availing of the 20 percent senior citizens discount.

Plans are afoot  to set up a help desk in the City Hall through  the Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) and a reward system for senior-citizen-friendly establishments.

The office will be manned by law students, who will help evaluate the concerns of the elderly. /Chief of Reporters Doris C. Bongcac

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