CHR welcomes writs of amparo for missing activists

Commission on Human Rights (CHR) caretaker and Executive Director Jacqueline Ann De Guia

Commission on Human Rights Executive Director Jacqueline Ann De Guia (File photo from the Senate Public Relations and Information Bureau)

MANILA, Philippines — The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) welcomed the writs of amparo the Supreme Court issued in favor of missing activists Elizabeth Magbanua and Alipio Juat.

CHR spokesperson Jacqueline de Guia said the protection orders “provide a timely and welcome assurance of protection for the most vulnerable against threats or intimidation; most especially if done by a public official or employee, or by a public individual or entity.”

Magbanua and Juat were both abducted by men who claimed to be members of the Philippine Navy as they were leaving a meeting in Valenzuela City on May 3.

The high tribunal issued the writs on Tuesday and ordered the concerned government agencies and security forces to make a verified return of the writ and file a comment to the petition now before the Court of Appeals within 72 hours.



SC issues writ of amparo, protection order for two missing activists