Senate building closed on August 22 for COVID-19 disinfection

Senate elects more panel chairpersons

Facade of the Senate of the Philippines building (FILE PHOTO)

MANILA, Philippines — The Senate building in Pasay City will be closed  on Monday, August 22 for disinfection against COVID-19.

Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri on Friday said that he made the directive after seven senators recently tested positive for COVID-19.

“I have instructed the Secretariat to conduct a thorough cleaning and disinfection of all Senate offices,” Zubiri told reporters in a message.

“For this reason, there will be a total lockdown of our Senate building and all Senate employees shall work from home and need not report to the Senate on Monday (22 August 2022). Senate sessions will resume on Tuesday (23 August 2022),” he added.

The Senate is conducting hearings and sessions in a hybrid setup to allow COVID-stricken senators to still participate.
