DOH launches website on COVID-19 drug supply

DOH logo with background showing coronavirus. STORY: DOH launches website on COVID-19 drug supply FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health (DOH) recently launched a website where patients can check the availability of COVID-19 drugs with regulatory approval for emergency use in health facilities in their area.

The link, COVID-19 Meds Tracker, contains a list of the health facilities per region with supply of COVID-19 medicines. It has a filter feature where the user can easily find the drug they need from a specific hospital in a certain region or province.

If the antiviral pill, vial or intravenous fluid (IV) has more than 100 stocks in a certain facility, it would be labeled as “available,” while those with a supply with only 50 to 100 would be tagged as “limited.”

If it is below 50, it is already marked “not available.” Among the COVID-19 medicines approved for emergency use are molnupiravir, baricitinib, both generic names of antiviral pills; and remdesivir, casirivmab, and tocilizumab, all of which are IV solutions.



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