Active COVID-19 cases drop slightly after surge in Olongapo
The number of active COVID-19 cases in Olongapo City dropped slightly on Monday (Aug. 1) after experiencing a surge the previous day. (Photo by Joanna Rose Aglibot)
OLONGAPO CITY — The city posted a slight drop in its active COVID-19 cases after five infected patients recovered from the viral disease, local data showed Monday, Aug. 1.
Only two new infections were added to the city’s data after tallying 15 additional cases the previous day.
The city has 61 active COVID-19 cases as of Monday, which decreased from 64 the previous day.
Among the latest COVID-19 patients in the last two days were a 2-year-old girl from Barangay Asinan and a 14-year-old girl from Barangay New Cabalan.
Since 2020, Olongapo has already registered 7,147 COVID-10 cases, but at least 6,733 of them were already cleared from the disease.
The city’s death toll stood at 353. INQ