Student kills self over school woes

Ma, Pa, forgive me… I am still in second year because I got hooked on computer games.”

This plea was in the suicide note left by 21-year-old Ervin Montera, who was found dead in his room at home in barangay Ibabao-Estancia, Mandaue City.

His father found him hanging by the neck Wednesday afternoon.

The college student had left the unsent message in his cellphone.

Montera was a student of the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu-Manduae (UCLM), where he took up a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology, a four-year course.

Police said the victim’s father, Edgardo, found his son with a rope tied around his neck and the other end tied to the ceiling of the room.

Ervin was declared dead by attending physicians at the Mandaue City Hospital.

In cell phone message, Ervin asked forgiveness from his parents for his failure to graduate.

The message read: “Ma, pa, pasayloa ko sa akong nabuhat. Wa mo kahibawo nga second year lang ko kutob kay na-adik ko sa computer (Ma, pa, please forgive for what I’ve done. I am still in second year because I got hooked on the with computer).”

He was apparently referring to computer games or other online entertainment.