Luigi joins anti-RH solons

A CEBUANO legislator who skipped last Friday’s church lunch that gathered congressional leaders  against the Reproductive Health (RH) bill said he, too, questioned  provisions  of the bill that he said runs counter to Catholic teachings.

Rep. Luigi Quisumbing of the 6th district said there were  lots of “questionable”  provisions in the consolidated  House Bill 4244 that could not address  goals on population control and maternal health.

“Some provisions are also contrary to the moral teachings of the church,”  Quisumbing told Cebu Daily News.

With this, Cebu has eight congressmen ready to vote against the RH bill, and only one, Cebu City Rep. Tomas Osmeña, who has openly said he supports the measure, although Osmeña said he would abstain from voting as a favor to anti-RH bill former congressman Raul del Mar.

Quisumbing said he would point out these questionable provisions  when Congress resumes session on July 25.

“I want to make sure that if it would be implemented, it can achieve its goals,” the congressman said.

Quisumbing said he was unable to attend the Friday lunch hosted  by Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma due to a business appointment in Manila.

Last Friday, Palma met with Cebu Gov. Gwen Garcia, Vice Gov. Agnes Magpale, five  Cebu lawmakers and six mayors for lunch where he thanked them for their support against the passage of the RH bill.

Quisumbing said he notified Palma about his absence in last Wednesday’s meeting.

“The Archbishop was very gracious during our meeting,” Quisumbing said, adding that it was the first time he met Cebu’s prelate.

He said they talked on a lot of issues such as the RH bill.

Quisumbing said Palma didn’ ask any commitment from him to oppose the bill in Congress.

“He did not ask for my assurance or tried to pressure me,” Quisumbing said.

Pro-life advocate Paul Hubahib, who helped organize the lunch,   said Quisumbing and Rep. Cutie del Mar, who were unable to join the meeting,  were “part of the neophyte congressmen who are  pro-life and against the RH bill.”  He said both  informed Archbishop Palma beforehand they could not be present in the lunch because of prior commitments.

The other Cebu congressmen who attended and joined a “solidarity pose” with Archbishop Palma behind a banner that read “Cebu unite for Life!” were Eduardo Gullas (1st district), Pablo Garcia (2nd district), Pablo John Garcia (3rd district), Benhur Salimbangon (4th district), and Red Durano (5th district).

Rep. Arturo Radaza of the lone district of Lapu-Lapu was represented by his wife Lapu-Lapu City Mayor Paz Radaza.

Rep. Cutie del Mar was represented by her father, Raul, a papal awardee and former congressman.

Congressman Osmeña was not invited to the lunch.Reporter Candeze R. Mongaya