Three hurt in Naga road accidents

THREE persons were injured in two separate vehicular accidents in Naga City, southern Cebu.

Jason Dorado, 29, was sideswiped by a passenger multicab while he was driving a bicycle in barangay Cogon around 10 a.m. yesterday.

Dorado sustained bruises in the body and was rushed to the South General Hospital.

The driver of the multicab, Randolph Panunsuro of barangay Perrelos, Carcar City, surrendered to the police after the accident.

In barangay Lutac, Junjie Bisen was critically wounded after the motorcycle he was driving collided with a V-hire around 10 p.m. last Friday.

Bisen’s 17-year-old backrider was also injured in the accident.

Police said Bisen lost control of the motorcycle, causing it to collide with an incoming van driven by Nicanor Alisoso, 48, of barangay Campo 8, Minglanilla town.

The motorcycle riders were rushed to a Cebu City hospital while Alisoso surrendered to the police./CORRESPONDENT GABRIEL C. BONJOC