9-year-old girl with heart ailment needs an operation

MANILA, Philippines–Although she is suffering from a congenital heart disease, CJ Tolentino has been able to continue her studies by attending a special school inside the Philippine General Hospital compound.

“It’s a school for outpatients like my daughter who has tetralogy of fallot,” Christopher Tolentino said, referring to the medical term used by the doctors to describe his 9-year-old child’s condition.

He added that the doctors had advised him that CJ needed to undergo open heart surgery.

His meager salary as an employee at a karaoke bar in Quezon City, however, can barely feed his family of six, let alone cover the operation cost of P230,000.

Christopher said he was hoping to find compassionate people who could help him and his daughter especially since her condition is aggravated by the heat with the onset of summer.

“Whenever it gets hot, she loses oxygen very easily and she gets tired more often,” he explained.

Christopher and his wife Vivian can be reached at 0908-1639108 and 0999-6848501.  Donations will be accepted through Christopher’s RCBC account with account number 1222052633.
