Japan thanks Taiwan for quake aid

TAIPEI – Japan Sunday thanked Taiwan for relief aid donated in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami last year, taking out front-page adverts calling the support “truly exceptional”.

Japan’s de facto embassy in Taipei published the half-page “thank-you” adverts on the front of major local newspapers as Japan marked the one-year anniversary of a disaster that claimed 19,000 lives.

“Since the earthquake last year, the aid given to Japan from the all walks Taiwanese life has been truly exceptional,” The Interchange Association, Japan, the representative office of Japan in Taiwan, said.

“Japanese people won’t forget the encouragement that Taiwanese people have delivered during the difficult moments.”

The adverts did not specify the amount of aid given by Taiwan but local media estimated the figure at around Tw$6.6 billion ($224 million).

Starting Sunday, the Association also planned to broadcast a week-long commercial on Taiwan’s major television channels in a similar vein.

In one of the two televised fundraisers following the 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami, President Ma Ying-jeou and his wife helped to raise about $30 million.

Taiwan maintains cordial ties with Japan despite its past as a Japanese colony from 1895 to 1945, and despite the fact that Tokyo recognizes Beijing over Taipei.