MMDA exempts vehicles carrying physicians from number coding

MMDA exempts vehicles carrying physicians from number coding

MMDA traffic management personnel. INQUIRER FILES

MANILA, Philippines — Vehicles transporting medical doctors would be exempted from the number coding scheme, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) said Wednesday.

In a memorandum addressed to traffic discipline office units, sector heads, and traffic enforcers dated May 4, the MMDA says it “acknowledges and values the services rendered by Medical Doctors in the fight against the COVID-19 virus including their role in the maintenance and preservation of the country’s health care system.”

The memorandum was signed by MMDA chairman Romando Artes.

“Relative hereto, any vehicle driven or transporting a Medical Doctor who is flagged down for violation of the Unified Vehicle Volume Reduction Program (UVVRP) shall not be issued a citation ticket and shall be allowed to carry on to his/her destination if he/she can present a valid and updated Professional Regulatory Commission Identification Card (PRC I.D.) at the time of apprehension,” it also states.

The memo specifies that the exemption only applies to “physical apprehensions where the identity of the driver-medical doctor or passenger-medical doctor can be verified.”

“In so far as non-contact apprehension is concerned, the appropriate protest shall be filed with MMDA’s Traffic Adjudication Division where the driver or passenger medical doctor shall prove by the presentation of evidence that he/she was on board at the time the vehicle was tagged for UVVRP,” it notes.


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