Entry deadline for USC football

FOOTBALL teams will have until noon today to submit their entries for the 3rd University of San Carlos (USC) Inter-Barkada Tournament, which starts tomorrow at the school’s football field.

Tournament director Gary Panagsagan said 43 teams have already signed up for the 7-a-side football tournament and they will be accepting more as they have originally targeted 50 teams to see action. Of the 43, one team will be coming from Leyte.

The tournament is opened to the public for the first time this year as an added challenge to the USC varsity teams as well as a means to scout players to beef up the school’s varsity teams.

Both the USC men’s and women’s varsity teams will be divided into four teams for the tournament. Cash prizes will be given to the champion teams aside from trophies and medals.

Meanwhile, USC is also accepting participants for its Summer Program Football Clinic, which will be held from May 1 to 31.

The clinic is open to boys and girls ages 8 to 17 years old.

Interested enthusiasts can call the USC athletic office at 253-1000 for more information. /CORRESPONDENT MARS G. ALISON