Isko Moreno not imploding in attacks vs Robredo, says campaign manager

Moreno spox Lito Banayo


MANILA, Philippines — Presidential candidate and Manila City Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso is not imploding and being self-destructive in his latest attacks against  Vice President Leni Robredo, says his campaign manager Lito Banayo.

Banayo said it is only those in the A and B classes, or what he called the “intellectuals, the political analysts” who are making these observations but it is a “different story” when it comes to the C, D, and E classes or the poor and the marginalized.

“Candor, frankness, being what you really are is more treasured by the FIlipino electorate, especially the poor and the marginalized than choosing your words to please your audience,” he said in an interview over ABS CBN News Channel on Thursday when asked about claims that Moreno is imploding and being self-destructive in his latest remarks against Robredo.

“I’m not saying it’s helping but I dispute the fact that the statement or the opinion of some it is backfiring against him. Hintayin na lang natin ‘yung resulta ng May 9,” Banayo added.

(Let’s wait for the results in the May 9 elections.)

Banayo said Moreno is just being candid and honest about his feelings, which may have been hurt with the insinuations and lies spread against him even way back in 2021 when he declared his intention to run for the presidency.

“What you see is what you get. He is not a hypocrite. He has never minced words. He has been very candid about his feelings. Patuloy naman sila ng paninira, kung anu ano sinasabi nila about Isko na hindi naman totoo. I guess in the case of Isko, pumatong nang pumatong ang lahat ng ito,” he said.

(Their attacks were continuous. In the case of Isko, this piled up.)

“Maybe Isko is really hurt by all the insinuations ,all the lies being spread against him, all the pressures that the echo chamber the yellow pinks have done in this campaign,” he added.

Moreno has been drawing flak since he called on Robredo to “make the supreme sacrifice” and withdraw from the May 9 presidential race, claiming that he and one of his other rivals for the presidency could have a better chance of winning against former senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.

Moreno made the call during a joint press conference held on Easter Sunday with fellow presidentiables Senator Panfilo Lacson and former national security adviser Norbert Gonzales.

Moreno has since called Robredo the “godmother of bullies” and “No. 1 bully” and refused to apologize for his remarks.