Mandaue kicks off Women’s Month

FEMALE employees of the Mandaue city government enjoyed a half-day holiday on Monday afternoon to join the kickoff celebration of Women’s month.

Mayor Jonas Cortes ordered the holiday to give the more than 200 female employees chance to avail of the services offered during the opening day, including free medical checkup, display of native products, among others. Volleyball tournament followed.

The one-month celebration carries the theme “Women weathering climate change: Governance and accountability.”

Cortes, assisted by Vice Mayor Glenn Bercede, Vice Gov. Agnes Magpale and city councilors, opened the program by honoring newly promoted Court of Appeals Justice Marilyn Yap.

The mayor handed Yap a copy of a council resolution congratulating her for the “well deserved promotion” and her accomplishments in her 27 years in the judiciary.

“Whereas, for 27 years in the judiciary, wherein 19 years of which were spent in the City of Mandaue, she has served with integrity, competence and untarnished record, brining here up to a very meritorious promotion as an Association Justice of the Court of Appeals,” the resolution reads.

Yap started as a research attorney and branch clerk of court from 1985 to 1989, then as assistant provincial prosecutor from 1990 to 1992, assistant city prosecutor from 1993 to 1999 and as presiding judge of Regional Trial Court, Branch 28 in Mandaue City from 2002 to 2012.

Also in the line with the celebration, Local Government City Director Jhoaden Lucero also launched the search for the most gender-responsive barangay.

Magpale, in her speech, lauded the city for its program that promotes the welfare and empowerment of women. /CORRESPONDENT NORMAN V. MENDOZA