Polish, Czech, Slovenian PMs to visit Kyiv on Tuesday—statement

Polish, Czech and Slovenian prime ministers

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki (L), Czech counterpart Petr Fiala (C) and Slovenia’s Janez Jansa (R). | PHOTOS FROM AFP

WARSAW — The Polish, Czech and Slovenian prime ministers will travel to Kyiv on Tuesday to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the Polish government said in a statement.

The visit comes amid deadly Russian strikes on the Ukrainian capital, which has nearly been encircled by Moscow troops, and as Russia and Ukraine are due to resume talks to end the nearly three-week war.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Czech counterpart Petr Fiala and Slovenia’s Janez Jansa will also meet with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal during the visit.

The three will be visiting as “representatives of the European Council”, the statement said.

The trip was organised “in agreement with” European Council chief Charles Michel and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, it added.

“The purpose of the visit is to confirm the unequivocal support of the entire European Union for the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to present a broad package of support for the Ukrainian state and society,” the statement said.


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