Sen. Drilon proposes EO for choosing ARMM officers-in-charge

MANILA, Philippines – Senator Franklin Drilon has proposed an executive order providing guidelines in the selection of officers-in charge in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).

In the draft EO, Drilon is eyeing the creation of a screening committee composed of 15 representatives from the provinces and cities in the ARMM, which should recommend, in consultation with the Senate President and Speaker of the House of Representatives, the nominees for the vacant elected positions in the ARMM.

The committee, Drilon said, should recommend to the President at least three nominees for each vacancy in the ARMM.

“We have recommended that the ethno-linguistic, geographical, sectoral, educational and cultural factors be considered in appointing the members of the screening committee,” he told reporters on Thursday.

Asked if one’s political affiliation should be considered in the selection of members of the screening committee, the senator said, “Why will you disqualify members of the political party?”

Drilon, who belongs to the administration’s Liberal Party, said he would send the draft EO to the President this Thursday for his consideration before he signs into law a bill, postponing this year’s ARMM elections to 2013.

A total of 26 positions – one governor, one vice governor and 24 members of the regional assembly – will be vacant when the term of the incumbent officers expire on September 30.

Drilon explained that the draft EO was just recommendatory and the President could either reject or adopt it.

“There’ nothing wrong with that. We can recommend, you can recommend. This is just recommendatory. The President need not adopt it. Were just suggesting a process,” said.

Told about the draft EO, Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero said, “I don’t know why he [Drilo] is the one preparing the EO.”

“Under the law, the composition of the selection committee shall be done by the President in consultation with the Speaker and the Senate President,” he added.

Escudero, an administration ally, had strongly opposed the postponement the ARMM polls.