This Lent, be happy—bishop

Lent may be a time for fasting and abstinence, but it is also a time to be happy, according to an official of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP).

CBCP vice president Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas on Wednesday advised Filipino Catholics to always smile despite the sacrifice entailed by the season of Lent, which is “a celebration of God’s love.”

The Catholic celebration of Lent, a 40-day observances of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is marked by fasting and abstinence, particularly from meat, and the exercise of moderation.

“Please be happy during Lent because it is a joyful season…the reason for this Holy season is that God loves us and God is faithful despite of everything,” said Villegas over Church-run Radio Veritas Wednesday.

He also reminded the faithful to bring joy to other people, which is the “whole message” of the season of Lent.

“We may be sacrificing, we may be fasting but don’t forget to be happy,” said the prelate.

Earlier, several Catholic bishops urged Filipino Catholics to ease up on the habit of texting and Internet surfing and splurging on seafood delicacies, aside from the usual abstention from meat.

Catholic Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, when the faithful flock to churches to have their foreheads marked with palm ashes in the form of a cross.

Villegas also encouraged the faithful to pray the rosary, which is a way of “giving Jesus Christ to the world.”

“We may not be successful, the sick may not be completely healed and wars across the world may not be stopped [but] we will just keep on trying our best to give God to the world [because] that is the duty of every Christian-to give God to the world,” said the archbishop.