COVID-19 vaccination of kids without comorbidities in Olongapo to start Nov. 8

COVID-19 vaccination of kids without comorbidities in Olongapo to start Nov. 8

A minor gets jabbed against COVID-19 during the launch of the pediatric vaccination in Olongapo City on Thursday, November 3. (Photo courtesy of the Olongapo City Information Office)

OLONGAPO CITY—The local government is poised to vaccinate against COVID-19 more eligible children within the 12-17 age group by accommodating those even without comorbidities starting November 8, the city health office said.

Online registration for the scheduled pediatric vaccination is ongoing as the city continues to inoculate its remaining population to achieve herd immunity.

On Thursday, the city launched its vaccination for children in the same group but prioritized those with comorbidities, benefiting about 100 minors.

Another pediatric vaccination is slated for November 5 and will continue from November 8 to 12.

As of Friday, the city has already inoculated 149, 842 residents and 57, 445 of them were already fully vaccinated.

The city has to inoculate 70 percent or 182,000 of its 260,000-population to achieve herd immunity against the viral disease.