Catechist: Pedro a constant source of inspiration

THE life and times of the Blessed Pedro Calungsod, a catechist who perished in a mission field in Guam, continues to inspire even elderly catechists to continue doing the Lord’s work.

Milagros Limpangog, who has taught catechesis to public school students in the past 17 years, looks up to Calungsod for inspiration.

“I really want to teach children on how to live a Christian life. May Blessed Pedro Calungsod inspire me always to teach the youth,” said the 62-year-old Limpangog  in an interview.

Limpangog said she was overjoyed on learning over the weekend that Calungsod will be canonized on Oct. 21, 2012.

“I’m very happy. Blessed Pedro is my inspiration. I shall continue my obligations as a catechist,” she said.

Limpangog spent her time with students of Tejero public school in Cebu City.  She managed to draw the rapt attention of students when she told about the story of creation.

“I’m praying that I’ll be like Blessed Pedro. Like him, I want to persevere in the faith until death,” she said.

Calungsod was among the first to serve on a mission organized by Fr. de San Vitores to the Ladrones Islands, now known as Guam on June 16, 1668.

On April 2, 1672, Pedro and Fr. Diego were speared with a cutlass by two villagers in Tumhon, Guam, for catechizing and baptizing the natives.

One of the killers was the father of the baby they baptized against his will.

The bodies of Calungsod and the priest were thrown into the sea.

Once canonized, Calungsod will join St. Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila in the pantheon of Roman Catholic saints. Reporter Ador Vincent Mayol