De Lima to summon Ping when Michael Ray Aquino returns to PH

MANILA, Philippines—The Department of Justice would summon Sen. Panfilo “Ping” Lacson to appear in its reinvestigation of the Dacer-Corbito murder case once Michael Ray Aquino returns to the country.

In a news conference Tuesday, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said Lacson, his former subordinates Cezar Mancao II and Glen Dumlao, and other possible witnesses would be invited by the DOJ to get their “versions” of the twin killings.

However, De Lima said the reinvestigation would not include the facts which were being taken up by a Manila court handling the criminal case against Aquino and other co-accused.

“The thrust of reinvestigation is to determine the mastermind … It will now include Aquino et al.’s culpability because they are still in trial,” she said.

De Lima said the DOJ was also interested in fining out if Aquino’s statement supporting Lacson’s claim of innocence was his final affidavit.

“We want to know if there are changes or modifications in his affidavit,” she said.